The unexplainable thing, in nature…makes me feel the world is far beyond my understanding… ~Georgia O’Keeffe
hytra, Kythira, greece
He Who Would Travel Happily Must Travel Light.
~Antoine de Exupery
Oh, how I long to travel lightly. In all my travels, I yearn to travel light. With this longing, I know in my heart that this is the deep longing to be free. Travel feeds and frees my soul and connects me to the cosmos as I lose myself stepping out of my own little world. Leaving the comforts of my material home pushes me to expansiveness. Sometimes into discomfort like when I walk on a mountainside seeing miles up and down. Or at times, into heart pounding uncertainty when I swim in the middle of the open turquoise sea. Or when I simply run into the sea free in only my skin, nothing covering or hiding me from the world. Unencumbered flight into the unknown open world grows my soul. Being immersed in nature waters my soul to flourish. In flourishing, I feel joy.
I yearn to travel with child-like wonder, laughter and playfulness. I want to dance when the music plays and even when it doesn’t and celebrate the day’s abundant adventures with loud long shared laughter. I pray to teach, to paint, to guide with my heart. I want to take you along with me so we can share the magic.
I’ve shed my stories that have deadened the music and the laughter and the dance and will continue to as life-long practice. I’m here to guide you to shed too and to be watered and nurtured and to feel the interconnection of all of life.
Come with me as we paint our own reality. Come experience distant lands that beckon and call with beauty, rendering awestruck magnificence. Let’s walk together arm in arm. Let’s experience the quiet as our hearts draw us into new vibrant and colorful realities so magical that we couldn’t even imagine they existed.
Let’s share an adventure…
With Blessings…
Cheers to Sweet Love Drenched Moments Ripe and Ready to Be Created and Shared,
Amazonia, Peru